Hello Family!

It’s been some time since we’ve updated you all on the affairs of home! We have a lot of things going on that we’re excited to tell you all about! First off, last month, some of the Cast of the Casaq The Eagle play, along with some of our house members, packed 3 (rather large) boxes to send to our friends Pastors Edelberto and Shirley Casasola of Christ and Christian Living Ministries (CCLM). After the recent trip to the Philippines, the members of the Casaq team were deeply impressed with what they experienced in Smokey Mountain, and determined that together with those of us here at home, they would do something to help. Just this week, Pastors Edelberto and Shirley Casasola received the boxes and sent us a few pictures! They have been working amongst the people of Smokey Mountain for the last 29 years, and were happy to receive the shipment, and have promised to send more pictures of the distribution this coming Sunday. We’re so excited and eager to of how it goes, and will be sure to tell you all about it in our next post! Here’s a peek of what happened. To look at the rest of the photos, be sure to visit our Media page, right here on the blog!


The sorting begins!

We’d like to take time and give a special mention to Pastors Edelberto and Shirley, as this past week they and their church, Christ and Christian Living Ministries, have celebrated 29 incredible years of service to the precious people of Smokey Mountain! We pray the Lord continues to bless the work of His Kingdom there, and keeps Pastors Edelberto and Shirley strengthened!






In other news across the world, we received a praise report from Sister Gertrude! Currently, the country of Uganda has been experiencing a drought. However, by His grace and wonderful provision, Sister Gertrude and the children have had a bumper crop of corn! We’ve posted some pictures for you to enjoy! Isn’t God good?

The Lord

The Lord’s Provision is mighty! Praise God!



Something that we want to share with you is a move of God we’ve been seeing among the youth! This past week, Gordon and Teresa Skinner, and Ashley Flores had the opportunity to attend the Jesus Culture LA conference. It was a three day conference that focusing on teaching the youth how to walk and live by the Love and Power of God, and cultivating a culture of God’s Kingdom. They talked about some basic keys in spiritual warfare, how to hear God’s voice and move on it, praying and walking in His miracle healing power.

Jesus Culture Conference 2013, Los Angeles

Jesus Culture Conference 2013, Los Angeles

The youth were “activated” and after each daily session, the youth amassed in Universal Studios, praying and laying on hands on anyone who would receive it, and the testimonies that followed were nothing short of miraculous! One testimony told of how a woman who had been wheelchair bound for 14 years was able to stand and walk around successfully, and a whole crowd of people began to chant “Jesus! Jesus!”  What the Lord had spoken to Agnes many years ago is beginning to come to fruition!  Also in the same week, Teresa and Annella Whitehead attended a meeting for the First Youth Nations, hosted by Pastors Henry and Sandy Mena of Teen Blaze Christian Youth Center in Hemet, California. The First Youth Nations movement is rallying this summer to tell the youth the message that their “time is now” for them to rise up, by the Spirit of God. Something Teresa pointed out to us later was that the rally was held just days after the Jesus Culture conference. Clearly, God is at work in the youth!

Also this week, Teresa Skinner ministered at a women’s retreat on Esther. The Lord has given to Teresa this incredible word to speak to the women of God’s Kingdom, on how to prepare to meet the King. Teresa shows how the life of Esther, especially the process she went through to meet King Xerxes, parallels our walk with God. Much emphasis is placed on how great it is to be a princess. However, there is no maturity, no authority, or responsibility for a princess. God has created women to do more than just be princesses. He created them to reign, to have authority, that she may reflect the Glory of the King. As Teresa said, “A princess never spends a night with the king. She doesn’t the secret place of the king.” Such a wonderful word the Lord gave her!

God is moving in a powerful way here on the home front, which is becoming more evident with each passing day. We’re seeing Him move both naturally and spiritually, and it’s exciting! We’re happy to report that the new septic system has been put in! The septic system

A humongous truck for an equally humongous tank!

A humongous truck for an equally humongous tank!

had been out for some time, crippling our sink and dishwasher and leaving only two of the six bathrooms functional.  This new septic system is a blessing in more ways than one! The septic system will not only service the house, but it will service the future “Restroom Cabin”!

The vision for a Village of All Nations is soon becoming a reality. The land for this next cabin has been staked out, and His provision will make it po

ssible for building to commence in the near future! To view more photos, click here.

“17 Is it not yet a very little while
Till Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, And the fruitful field be esteemed as a forest?” – Isaiah 29:17

We thank God that we’re seeing this come to pass, both physically and spiritually!

There are some projects and events being worked in the future, in which your prayers would be appreciated. Gordon and Teresa have been working on updating our current leadership curriculum, for what will be the basis for an Isaiah 58 leadership training institute. It has been a vision in the making for some years now, and we’re excited that the Lord is beginning to bring it to fruition! Our heart is to make the courses assessable to people all around the world, for the advancement of the Gospel. To help build leaders that are well equipped to effectively and soundly share the Gospel with those in their city, state, country, and be a spiritual leader amongst their people.  We will be sure to further update you all as these courses progress.

For those who are new to our All Nations family, this year marks 58 years of Isaiah 58 in action. In honor of our 58th year anniversary, we’re holding a 5 day, 1st Annual Pastor’s Conference. It will be a two part conference. The first three days will be a time to refresh and refocus as we share a renewed vision of Isaiah 58. The last two days will be an International Leader’s Networking and Planning Workshop. This will give our International partners a time to establish connections amongst our family, and see how each ministry can help one another. It will be time to prepare and strengthen our network of partners in ministry for the new season the Lord is bringing us all into. You will be able to find more information and registration on our website!

Visit www.allnationsis58.org for more details!

Visit www.allnationsis58.org for more details!

Speaking of website, there are some changes being made in our social media department (who would have thought we would have one of those?), and it’s all a part of the mission of spreading the Gospel, by using a multi-platform, multimedia approach. First off, we have a new website address: www.allnationsis58.org. To go along with the changes, we’re streamlining our social media outlets (Facebook, WordPress, etc.) so that they all match the new website address, making our various sites more user friendly.  We’ve added another way to stay connected and interact with All Nations International, one that will broadcast to wider audience: Twitter! Search for @AllNationsIs58 to see the latest updates with All Nations, as well share with us what is going in your lives! We not only want to keep you, our family, informed on what All Nations is doing, but connect and be a part of your world!

Those are the things that have and are going on in our world! Be sure to check out this week’s message, “Come and See the Works of God”. We love you all, and be sure to connect with us! We love hearing from you!


Your All Nations Family