Hello family! Blessings to you all as this post finds you!

Last week on our messages from Agnes’ transcribed teaching was powerful! That is such an overused word, but how else can we describe such a stirring, burning message?

“We’re going to take His love to the nations. His love is in His kingdom; His love is the kingdom of peace, of joy and righteousness and holiness. He is taking His kingdom to the nations. What is going to happen when He pours His love out over them? It is already causing devastation. He’s showing His love to all the nations. I don’t think I can name a place where God isn’t. He’s shaking everything that can be shaken. And it’s going to be shaken until nothing remains but the kingdom of God.”

This message was given in 2000, and we can see the increasing of His shaking all over the world. Be sure to read the rest of “God is Showing Himself”!


This week is another power-packed message. In it, Agnes talks about the importance and the necessity of dying to ourselves, to allow God the room and means to work His power in us.

“We haven’t reached the place God has for us until the latter rain comes with former rain. God is preparing this. He is moving already. In order for it to be noticeable some things have to happen. God has to change our life. What He has for us is for His kingdom to be in us. When His kingdom is in us we can’t allow other lords or other things to be there. We have to permit Him to clean our lives so that He has a place to dwell. He’s not going to dwell in your filth.


Lately, we have been a feeling a pull and focus on being directional and moving forward with taking the Gospel to all nations. That we as a unit, work toward the same goal. As Teresa said, “We can work for All Nations, or we can work for all nations.” Which is to say, let the focus of what we do be for Jesus, for the nations, not for All Nations. There is much from the transition we are still sorting through, that we may be focusing on the present. One thing we found was a prophecy spoken in August of 2002, and it was such a refreshing and encouraging word. We know what we’re doing, and Who we’re doing it for, but to find such a timely word as this, is a gift from Him. An affirming word from our heavenly Father. We wanted to share it so that you, our family (both long time and new comers), can see where we are going. This short but incredibly accurate word, so beautifully sums up where we were, what was going on, and where we were going to be heading.

“The harvest waits for no man; the timings has to be perfect. What God is doing in this ministry is taking it and putting it in a higher level. I saw this ministry taking a turn and going up (And come to find out, this property is on a hill). This ministry is going to take a new breath, you’re going to go in a kind of resting, and that won’t last very long (you say moving is not resting) but you’re going in a time of resting and time of re-grouping and a time of new vision. The Ministry, you have not touched the surface yet. This ministry will not only be in the states, but the strongest focus will now be not only in the political arena but it will be around the world. And you will adopt nations, and you will take on nations and you will send missionaries, you will send ministries to feed the poor, to supply the needs and preach the gospel. The Lord says the days of intercessory prayer are over, because God has heard our prayers and He has released the anointing for the harvest today! It’s harvest time.” August 19, 2002

For those who haven’t been with us very long, at the time this word was given, it was around the time of our relocation process. Looking back now, this word was anchor for what was to follow. Praise God for He is faithful, everlasting, and beyond all we could ask, want or desire.


We praise God for His faithfulness and His goodness in good times, and we praise Him during difficult losses. We are saddened at the passing of two warriors for the Kingdom, Patti Samson and Michael Williams.

Pastor Patty Samson and her husband Sam have been a part of our ministry since 1981. She was working with Brother Holmes, of the Morongo Indian Reservation when she was introduced to us. Patti and her husband have faithfully supported All Nations International in prayer and their love through the years. Many times when Sister Gertrude came, Pastor Patty would invite her to the services. We loved her dearly and she has loved us for many years. Pastor Patty was considered a spiritual Mother, Grandmother and Warrior to many people on the Reservation. She will truly be missed, and we extend our love and prayers to the family.

Michael Williams was involved with Taylor University, of which Agnes was passionate about, and the reason why Apostle Michael Waldrup is a part of the ministry to day. He was faithful to the vision of Isaiah 58, though distance separated him from All Nations. He is a precious man, and we will dearly miss our beloved brother, and pray for the Williams family during this time.

Please be praying for these families as they move through this time.

We thank each of you who have stood by in your faithfulness through prayers, donations and volunteering. Whether it has been from the beginning, or just recently, we appreciate your love and prayers, and your willingness to come alongside and see Isaiah 58 fulfilled in the lives of people across the world. May God bless each of you.


Until next time, with much love,

Your All Nations Family