Hello Family! This week, we here at home wanted to share with you some of the updates that have we have been receiving from our friends in various countries, as well as the updates from the home front. First we’ll start with Kazakhstan:

Greetings to you, Gordon and Teresa! Grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, be multiplied!
Gordon, thank you for having responded to the letter!
With us, everything is good, we live by the grace of God! This year, a lot of snow! God does not leave, and helps us all! That week we had the opportunity to visit the orphanage. We saw their happy faces when 365 children received gifts! Gordon, we are very grateful to you for what you have given us humanitarian aid, Thanks for missionaries Katie and Vienna Vanzant, thanks to them, we know the English language!



The next update comes from right here in the Antelope Valley:

Thank you so much for blessing our community. Last night we gave out to 3 families but will give out the rest today. Some of the families are about to lose their homes. One family lost [their home] and are staying with another family behind us and we gave them a box also. We used to give to another family that used to rent across [the street] but I heard they got evicted last week… they have kids and behind on rent. We are praying for our neighbors and one family are now going to church and [have] received the Lord. You are a part of this mission and thank you for giving to the Lord. I’m using some of the eggs for kids today and some for caroling Monday to bake and give out. I usually juice apple ginger and lemon for pastor on Sunday and I didn’t have any for today so thank You Jesus. Blessings on you all.

And one more from Casaq The Eagle, an extension of the ministry that the Lord is using for His glory!

April 3, 2012, Casaq the Eagle is flying to the Philippines for several performances! Sponsor your Favorite Cast Member! Our flights are from $1,200 to $1,500 each. Would you like to partner with us in this incredible outreach? We will share the story of forgiveness and hope at the Cuneta Astrodome an indoor sporting arena located in Pasay City to more than 10,000 people! We are also performing in churches and various places in the Manila Area. This will be a new experience for many of our cast members who have never traveled overseas. Thank you for helping us to carry this message of Hope to the Nations!


If you would like to donate to the “Sponsor A Cast Member” campaign, click on the image above to be directed on Casaq The Eagle’s FundRazr site.

Don’t forget to check on our Messages from Rev. Agnes I. Numer page to see this week’s transcribed teaching from our beloved founder!

We love you all, God bless!


Your Family at All Nations International