Mission Acts Ministries as a non-profit organization is established to supply necessary aid to churches and ministries worldwide to fulfill the great commission.
Mission Acts:
- Distributes the blessings of God to the Nations
- Serves the body of Christ by fulfilling Ephesians 4:11‑16, working together with churches and other Christian organizations towards the perfection of the saints, for the work of the ministry and the edifying of the body of Christ
- Emphasizes World Evangelization and is committed to national church planting, church growth, discipleship programs, leadership training and cross‑cultural education
- Concentrates on preaching and teaching the message of Jesus Christ, Mission Acts Ministries uses tools such as books, teaching tapes, music and other bible‑based literature to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the poor and underprivileged of the different nations of the world especially the children
- Provides food, clothing, toys, and other essential supplies that are distributed to the needy; helping them in a practical way to see and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ unfold before them
Contributions to Mission Acts Ministries provide the ability to subsidize crusades, conventions and supplies i.e. bibles, boats, training and building materials, for global inter-denominational mission projects.
Michael Waldrup – Director
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